“My husband and I are on the verge of divorce…“
Do you feel you need immediate or urgent intervention for your marriage? Do you suffer from severe relationship problems or repeated crises in your marriage? Maybe it was an angry fight and one of you walked out. Maybe it was a discovery of an affair.
Learn how to address these serious issues in marriage therapy once and for all. You can learn how to prevent escalating fights. And you can recover from an affair.
The severity of the problems don’t predict divorce over time. Things can change.
Even couples in high distress can be happily married over time. That’s according to research.
Do you have any of these severe marital troubles?
Intense communication breakdown:
Communication has completely broken down. Conflicts are escalating to a point where it feels impossible to talk constructively.
Impending separation or divorce:
When couples are on the brink of separation or divorce, they need a carefully-crafted last-ditch effort to:
- restore the relationship,
- explore alternatives, and
- clarify the best course of action.
Not only can you survive, you can eventually prosper.
An Affair has been discovered:
While most people believe that it is impossible to recover from an affair, science-based couples therapists disagree. Forty percent of the couples we work with have had heart-wrenching affairs and healed.
Every day at Couples Therapy Inc., we help couples who have almost given up on their marriages.
Our last shot couples therapy is crisis counseling that focuses on helping you make long-lasting changes in your unhappy marriage.
Every day our skilled clinicians see real progress with couples who thought it was hopeless. We see couples who were about to divorce start working together. Those in affairs begin to heal the breech. No matter how bad it is, chances are good that you can still find marital happiness again.
Real, lasting change
To save your marriage from divorce, you need concrete steps. You’ll identify highly problematic patterns in the way you relate. You’ll learn how to do things differently. Once you know what to do, you can make better, calmer, saner decisions.
You may be asking yourself:
“Could we work again with the right therapist?”
The answer is a resounding yes.
If marriage counseling is needed, find a specialist, set aside an entire weekend and devote yourself to making it work.
Consider attending an intensive couples therapy retreat.
Are you wanting shorter, more frequent sessions? Looking to find anyone who can see you today? You may want to reconsider.
Dramatic blow-ups are usually the result of long-standing issues that need more permanent solutions.
Use this stressful time wisely. Locate help to feel heard and you’ll learn what to do when things get heated.
Start with an assessment.
You’ll start with a: “State of the Union” assessment, completed from the privacy of your own home. This saves you time and provides your specialist with essential background.
It’s a private correspondence between you and your therapist. Speak freely and speak from your heart.
Get clear feedback:
- What exactly is wrong with our relationship from a science perspective?
- Can we recover our intimate bond?
- Exactly what will it take to do that?
You’ll have a clear treatment plan to consider. Over a weekend, you’ll devote the time to talking it out and figuring out how you can relate better. Then you decide how to move forward.
Ask yourself:
- If we knew how to calm down, reconnect, and feel closeness again, would I try? What’s it worth to me to preserve my family?
- Should we try a divorce-busting specialist? Or just go to any available generalist on our insurance panel?
- Have we read about science-based methods demonstrated to be effective? Do we know about recent advancements in helping troubled marriages?
We know how to save a marriage on the brink of divorce
Few therapists choose to work with severely troubled couples in emergency couples counseling. Why do we specialize in couples on the brink of divorce?
When you fell in love, you looked forward to having a happy marriage, a healthy marriage. You never considered you’d end up in a failing marriage.
And many of you have sought out marriage counselors before coming to our intensives. You might have faithfully attended weekly therapy sessions. You expected to get real help. Instead of healing, however, you found that the drip, drip, drip of weekly sessions wasn’t enough.
That format didn’t provide the support system you needed to heal and repair your broken bonds. And chances are, you didn’t work with an evidence-based couples specialist.
“But I’ve already moved out…“
That means you should be fast-tracking it to get help.
“Moving out” does not have to mean it’s over unless that’s what you want it to mean.
You can pay the moving costs again. Real marital happiness is priceless.
If you’ve already separated, you now realize that this doesn’t suddenly fix everything. Living apart presents its own unique challenges.
Take a weekend and get the guidance you need to know how to proceed.
Dare to hope. Muster the courage to ask your spouse to try…again. You can stop divorce.
You once meant everything to each other. Could you fall in love again?
You know a lot is riding on your capacity to work things out. Your children. Your financial well-being. Even your mental health.
“But it is so painful to be in this relationship…”
Cold, numb and distant. Or fights filled with anger and animosity. It feels hopeless and futile to expect things to change.
And science tells us why:
It’s called “Negative Sentiment Override.” Learn more about why it feels so hopeless.
Don’t second-guess yourself only after it is already too late.
Be confident in your decision-making.
We can’t turn every marriage around. That’s obvious. However, we can tell you what it will take to make major changes.
And if you do decide to divorce, you’ll have a deeper appreciation for your role in the breakdown. It prevents you from making the same mistake in the next relationship.
If you have to leave, leave as collaborators, not adversaries.
Learn what a big difference a science-based approach can make. Effectiveness rates demonstrated to be 70-90% effective.
Unfortunately your health insurance won’t pay for the intensive work needed to help your troubled marriage. Learn why