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Why an Intensive Couples Therapy Retreat?

Traditional weekly therapy

Traditional weekly couples therapy can be problematic for many relationships. There are often few specialists in your area. Busy schedules impact the continuity of care from session to session, spreading sessions out over months. It’s hard to feel like progress is being made at all.


Our intensive couples retreats

In contrast, build momentum, hour after hour, in an intensive format. There is time for connection and closure. Schedule once with the specialist of your choice and receive months of concentrated help in a single weekend. This accelerated approach can be a relief for couples who want quicker results.

Couple holding hands at a Couples Therapy Retreat

You’ll be in remarkably good hands with our advanced licensed relationship experts.

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Retreats In-Person or Online

Commit to making real and lasting changes in your relationship.

It is common for repetitive and escalating problems to leave couples feeling hopeless that anything can help. Intensive couples therapy retreats allow a disheartened couple to bring a re-focused dedication to their marriage. If you are ready for healing or clearer decision-making, a couples therapy retreat may be the right choice.

Our 2.5-day intensive retreat schedule


Whether online from your hometown or traveling, make the most of this special time. Book a room away and escape the mundane. Arrive early and settle in. This marriage retreat helps you focus on your relationship, partner, and yourself. Be on your best behavior. Creating more intimate bonds starts now.

Here’s how your initial “warm up” meeting (and continuation of the assessment) will go:

  • Problems Defined
    Every relationship has difficulties, often long-standing ones. This is your opportunity to discuss yours without shaming or blaming.
  • The Oral History Interview
    Here, we focus on how you met, your early years, and later challenges. This structured interview leaves most couples feeling more hopeful and optimistic about their relationship. It is an excellent way to end the start of this most intimate retreat.
Couple at the airport going on a Couples Therapy Retreat
Devote a weekend to reignite your relationship.
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  • After a few ineffective therapists, Couples Therapy Inc. has restored my faith in marriage counseling.

    My partner and I have noticed an immediate change in the way we view our family and each other. We’re warmer to one another and we’re more patient with children. We owe a lot of that to the road map our therapist created for us, which gives us hope and confidence. Our intensive marriage retreat also reminded us of why my partner and I are together, what attracted us to one another, and why we’re good partners. Somehow, sadly, we lost sight of that.

    Recent client reports
  • After a few ineffective therapists, Couples Therapy Inc. has restored my faith in marriage counseling.

    My partner and I have noticed an immediate change in the way we view our family and each other. We’re warmer to one another and we’re more patient with children. We owe a lot of that to the road map our therapist created for us, which gives us hope and confidence. Our intensive marriage retreat also reminded us of why my partner and I are together, what attracted us to one another, and why we’re good partners. Somehow, sadly, we lost sight of that.

    Recent client reports

View More Success Stories

Our therapy is science-based with real results

Diverse approaches, extensive assessments, and years spent conducting intensives; we can help.

  • 10
  • 1864
    Analyzed Data Points
  • 3500+
    Intensives Conducted
Couple smiling together at a Couples Therapy Retreat

Our Results

How do you get so many of these positive results?

We offer senior (30+ years of experience) and highly trained clinicians who specialize in helping couples. We have specialized in offering intensives for more than a decade. Each and every couple completes this extensive assessment before therapy begins. Your therapist receives thousands of data points they then study before we even meet you. Read More

The BIG BIG Book ©

Our clinicians undergo extensive training to interpret this instrument of unparalleled depth effectively. Every question in The BIG BIG Book © provides your couples therapist with the essential information they’ll need to help you. It’s a colossal amount of information, but this saves time at the beginning of your intensive session. Your therapist will already have knowledge about you and your relationship.

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An exceptionally trained cadre of couples therapists

Half of our group are doctors; one-third are certified using the coveted title “Certified Gottman Therapist.” Less than 500 worldwide claim that title. Advanced training in multiple models and a decade or more of experience working with couples make our group uniquely suited to help. Discernment Counseling, Imago, and Emotionally-focused Couples Therapy are just some of the additional training they possess.

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  • We realized through the therapy what we had, and that our marriage wasn’t hopeless.

    Recent client reports
  • I think the format is great for busy people who are feeling stuck.

    Recent client reports
  • We learned practical, immediately usable tools that we could practice on our own.

    Recent client reports
  • Couples Therapy Inc. was more than we expected. It was a great way to get at the heart of our issues.

    Recent client reports
  • We have knocked down walls that were straining our marriage. I feel like I have my wife back.

    Recent client reports

Our Success Stories

Here are our most frequent inquiries about our couples therapy retreats.

Have questions that still need to be answered?

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Please note:

These weekend therapy retreats are not a magic formula. If one of you has little motivation to work on your marriage in a sincere way or is seriously considering divorce, your therapist may recommend a discernment counseling retreat instead of our couples THERAPY retreat.

Your willingness and interest in improving your marriage is essential for this work to succeed. It takes both of you to be open and willing to change.

Couples therapy (including John Gottman’s methods and Emotionally focused therapy) does not work with the following: domestic violence, suicide prevention, personality disorders or alcohol and drug abuse that requires inpatient care.

Seek professional individual mental health services. Finding mental health professionals who have specifically trained is your best option.