Navigating the complexities of marital dynamics often leads to the contentious yet pivotal topic of setting boundaries, particularly those for oneself within the union. It’s a delicate balance between acknowledging personal control and recognizing the inherent limitations concerning a partner’s actions.
The concept fundamentally rests on this—while you lack control over your spouse’s behavior, you wield considerable influence over your responses and the boundaries you set for yourself. Within these boundaries lies the profound power to determine what you accept, how you react, and the intimacy you foster or distance you create in your marriage.
Boundaries and the differentiated self
We’re all familiar with the desire to set limitations on our partners. But the idea of setting boundaries for yourself in marriage is sometimes strange and uncomfortable.
The bottom line is you have no control over your spouse. You only have control over yourself.
That’s the nature of boundaries. You can’t control what your partner says or does.
But you can choose how you respond. And in that personal decisional space are the boundaries that you set for yourself.
You decide what you will tolerate or endure. You decide the consequences of your spouse’s actions. You determine whether a behavior creates emotional distance or more intimacy. You decide how to bring up issues, and how to handle conflict on your end.
Setting boundaries for yourself in marriage
It’s important to set boundaries for yourself. At some point, you benefit from looking at the “demon dances” you both suffer through. No matter what kind of couple you are, it’s helpful to ask what are the repeating arguments and unresolvable conflicts between you and your partner? And what new boundaries can you entertain that might encourage a better outcome?
I once worked with a physician we’ll call Thomas, and his wife Jill. He was pretty unconscious about chronically coming home late for dinner and keeping his family waiting.
Whenever Jill brought it up, he was dismissive, defensive and accused her of being a nag.
I asked her if there was a new boundary or bottom line that she could use to convey how unhappy she was. So here’s what she said to him:
“Thomas, I know that your work is important. People’s lives are literally in your hands. And our lives are in your hands as well. Cecilia and Arthur, being teenagers, really need a stable routine right now.
If you’re going to be late, please call me so I can maintain a family routine for them by having dinner with them. I love you, and I’m on your side. I won’t forget about you. You will always have your dinner in the fridge ready to be microwaved when you return home.”
Thomas wasn’t happy about the prospect of eating leftovers alone, but more importantly, he felt that Jill’s gentle boundary opened up space in his heart where it was easier for him to hear her out and respond non-defensively. He used his personal power at the hospital to allow for regular dinners with his family.
Jill set a boundary for herself with Thomas and Dr. Thomas set a corresponding boundary for himself with the hospital.
The concept of differentiation…Simultaneously connected and distinctly Different
Another crucial part of setting boundaries are the related ideas of “you are not me.” and “I am not you.”
Your partner has their own thoughts and feelings, as do you. Differentiation means having a separate stance, possessing the skill to respond with empathy, and not react with defensiveness.
This also includes respecting each other’s differences particularly when you find them annoying. While healthy boundaries in marriage foster healthy relationships, setting boundaries in your relationship provides the opportunity to experience both personal and marital growth.
5 Powerful tips for setting marital boundaries
1. Where’s the line?
What boundaries have you already marked? Are they being violated? Why? And how often?
And how do you respond when these boundaries are respected or ignored? You can’t really engage in setting limits in your marriage until you unpack the boundaries (or lack of boundaries) that are already in place.
2. Forgiveness vs. consequences?
We have a cultural preoccupation with forgiveness as an idea in marriage. We tend to see forgiveness as a saintly virtue. But isn’t always advisable.
The problem with being forgiving is that we actively thwart what could be a positive motivation for change. When we remove logical consequences, we may also remove the positive stres that promotes positive change.
I believe in forgiveness and forbearance. But there can be a palpable difference between patience and tolerance on the one hand, and an utter lack of consequences on the other.
If you continue to forgive serial transgressions, your partner’s problematic behavior, absent consequences, become normalized. Research tells us that emotional and physically abusive behaviors were more likely to persist when their spouses were perpetually forgiving.
Chronic knee-jerk forgiveness injures both spouses in a marriage. In the case of abuse, the act of serial forgiveness may become a silent sanction for their partner’s toxic behavior.
3. Be assertive, direct and honest about your wants, needs, and desires
Passive aggression is a pattern of behavior where instead of expressing negative feelings directly, a partner communicates them through subtle actions.
Because of how modern life has unfolded over the last few generations, passive-aggression is a fairly widespread behavior we see in couples therapy, particularly in men. In passive-aggressive spouses, there’s a mismatch between what they do and what they say.
A passive-aggressive partner will quickly say something like “it doesn’t matter”, “It’s ok,”“I’m fine,” or “I don’t really care,” but then convey a vague sense of displeasure and annoyance with the very situation that they declined to previously discuss.
An essential feature of the passive-aggressive spouse is their innate bitterness and annoyance with the requests of their partner. This is often conveyed by “forgetting” or failing to complete previously agreed-upon tasks.
Passive-aggressive behavior by men is typified by frequent complaints of feeling undervalued, unappreciated, or unloved. For women is shows up in disinterest in sex or other activities he wants her to participate in. This problematic behavior pattern is the anti-thesis of being assertive, direct and honest about your wants, needs, and desires.
If you have a tendency to occasionally be passive-aggressive, setting boundaries for yourself will require you to say “yes” when you mean “yes,” and to say “no” when you mean “no.”
4. Remember to complain instead of criticize and stop avoiding conflict
What does it mean to be setting boundaries for yourself in marriage? It means being truly assertive, and accepting that conflict is as healthy as it is inevitable. Setting boundaries means honestly asking yourself what do I want here?
True assertiveness is calm, clear, and differentiated. Here’s what I want, here’s why I want it, and here’s what in it for you if you collaborate with me.
A differentiated partner asserts themselves knowing that their partner isn’t a mind reader, and has not been placed on earth to thwart their every desire. They neither pursue or avoid conflict. But they do make solid complaints… and focus on what they want instead.
We Need to Offer You 13 Essential Strategies for Setting Boundaries for Yourself in Marital Conflict Before We Move On to Tip #5.
- Complain Briefly… But Complain Early. You don’t have to suffer needlessly. If your feelings are hurt…say so. Express your feelings. Make a marital complaint. Ask for clarity. “Ouch!… What did you mean by that?”
- Complain When it Matters. If you have a feeling…talk about it. You might just learn something that might prevent you from having a similar feeling in the future because you now understand a facet of your partner that up to this point has escaped your notice.
- Put A Time Limit on The Complaint. Don’t engage in endlessly conflictual conversations…even if they’ve never had one. Set a time limit that’s comfortable. Chip away at the tough stuff. Be patient. Take it slow.
- Use a Softened Start-up. Making a Softened Startup is a way of setting boundaries for yourself in marriage. Remember your partner is probably as anxious hearing about your marital complaints as you are making them.
- But Don’t Beat Around the Bush. Get to the point. “I feel_____ about______ and I would prefer________. That would make me happy. What do you think?”
- Don’t bottle things up. Deal with hurt feelings and resentments in the present moment. Let your marital complaints focus on one issue at a time. Don’t store them up. And don’t go global. Be specific, and discuss one issue at a time.
- Ask For What You Need. Tell your partner what you need to repair. Tell them early… and tell them often.
- Have Your Batna in Place. Professional negotiators always keep in mind the BATNA, the Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement. Don’t worry if you can’t find a workable long-term solution to your marital complaint. What will work right here… right now?
- Don’t Hide Facts to Avoid Conflict. Forgiveness may be easier to get than permission in the business world, but in marriages, unilateral action without consulting your partner is highly problematic. You want to avoid conflict, not delay it and heighten it by hiding pertinent facts.
- Some Issues Require Total Agreement. Don’t be afraid to discuss your differences on issues that require a united front. Letting your cousin Elmo live with you until he finds a job is not a decision you can make alone.
- Kill Fear With Curiosity. Have a deep conversation. How do you see this issue? conflict-avoidant couples want to avoid a repetition of the same conversations or have it fizzling out into the usual mumbled vagaries. You want to tell your partner exactly what you think…and learn what they consider as well. You might uncover some exciting differences during your marital complaints. Ask good questions. Use a list of generative questions if you have to. The answers might offer new facets of mutual understanding.
- Don’t Allow Fear of Unresolved Conflict Derail Your Complaint. You might both have to think about what you learned about the situation and agree to have another conversation after a period of reflection. Nobody is forcing anything on anyone. Take your time.
- Own What You Want. Just because you want something and your partner doesn’t isn’t a good enough reason to drop the subject entirely. It isn’t a moral issue. Nobody is right or wrong. It’s just a difference of opinion.
5. Setting boundaries means setting limits on conflict
This is so profoundly important. When our spouse sees things differently, it’s natura
l to feel annoyed or angry with them. The problem with any kind of intense emotion is that physiological arousal tends to compromise our ability to think clearly and speak to our partner as if they were someone that we loved.
Setting boundaries for yourself means making escalation the enemy. Assertive, clear communication requires a continuous effort toward maintaining emotional regulation.
Science-based couples therapy can give you essential skills for setting boundaries for yourself in marriage
Closing thoughts
Mastering the art of setting boundaries for oneself in marriage requires an acute awareness of one’s limits, a clear communication of needs, and an adept handling of conflicts. It’s about recognizing that forgiveness isn’t always synonymous with ignoring transgressions and that assertiveness isn’t aggressive but clear and empathetic.
This journey toward healthy boundaries involves active engagement, a keen understanding of differences, and a continual pursuit of effective communication. Ultimately, it’s a blend of personal growth within a union, fostering mutual understanding while preserving individuality. If you’re looking to enhance your skills in setting boundaries within your marriage, seeking guidance and leveraging professional therapy can significantly elevate your relationship’s dynamics and strengthen your bond.