Offering couples therapy intensives in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Practice Values

I enjoy working with traditional and nontraditional couples, vets/active duty and their spouses, couples from affairs, couples with co-occurring disorders, and those with BPD/NPD. I love working with clients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. These clients love the empathy, patience and overall validation I provide. I have worked in my private practice since 2016 with couples as a licensed therapist who come for a variety of reasons (intimacy issues, conflict resolution, premarital counseling, communication, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, abuse, DV, infidelity, and more.)

Family life

I grew up in Bismarck, ND – a small city that has limited diversity. It was the typical midwestern town where everyone knew everyone which was had its advantages. People were friendly and you could easily make a friend on a trip to the grocery store. Slower pace of living and no one seemed to be in a hurry which I miss.

My parents have always prioritized education despite them not obtaining a BS degree – they wanted me to do more. My dad was a mailman for over 25 years and my mom is a paraprofessional. They provide a lot of validation and always being there for me when I needed them. I am very grateful for them.

I was able to experience family dynamics from a different perspective.

I have 3 children – 12, 8, and 4.  I graduated early from high school and I completed my BS degree while pregnant with my first child.  Then, I finished my MS while pregnant with my 2nd child. I completed my Psy.D. while raising these 3 children. I have had a high GPA throughout my academic career.

Despite being in school, I like to have fun and encourage my children to do the same. Every moment is a learning opportunity. I want my children to be proud of their mom and encourage them to leave a footprint in the world. They all mean a lot to me.

Colorado Springs is very transient with people moving in and out due to the four large bases in our city – Buckley AFB, Air Force Academy, Peterson AFB, and Ft. Carson. I volunteer at my local church on a variety of projects.

My Personality

People describe me as persistent, ambitious, optimistic, outgoing, lifelong learner, curious, adventurous, organized, spontaneous. These traits make me who I am and provide me confidence to get through the hard times. I do, however, get impatient. I do persevere, however, and still get things done despite how long it may take.

I can adapt and build rapport quickly with others. I have the motivation to achieve my own goals and help others with achieving theirs.

Some clients have commented on my age and had concerns that perhaps I was less experience than others. However, I have never let my age get in the way because of my ongoing intrinsic motivation to learn and help others. I am happy and grateful for how much I have accomplished at my age and will continue to do so. I have gotten comments by numerous clients about me “looking young” but I also have a lot of client testimonies attesting to my clinical skills.

My hobbies

My hobbies include kayaking, reading, watching psychological thrillers, traveling, hiking, going to the shooting range, snow tubing, yoga and meditation, playing pickleball and tennis, cooking, going to concerts. My favorite of them all is writing and concerts . I love, LOVE music. I can do these activities by myself or with my family. Colorado offers distinct seasons that help mix up my interests. I have very little time to do these hobbies, however. Nevertheless, I’m in the middle of writing a fiction novel.

When I do have a spare minute, you can find me relaxing and recharging my battery.

My Office

My office is located in a large commercial office building on the 2nd floor. It is on the N end of Colorado Springs, conveniently across the street from the popular Promenade shops and fine dining. The building is also next door to a hotel. I have art pictures and quotes in my office. Both offer a fun perspective. I also have the stereotypical long chaise that psychoanalytic psychotherapists appear to have. I am not, however, an analyst.

If you could pick a superpower, what would it be?

I would love to stop time. I stay up late so I can get all my work done, despite having to wake up early to take my kids to school. I think I would like to stop time because I want more of it.

Come to beautiful Colorado Springs, Colorado and enhance your marriage.