A recent meta-study of 60 independent research studies on deception by Dr. R. Edward Geiselman and his team has uncovered a classic set of behaviors that indicate a pattern of deception.

Dr. Geiselman is one of the world’s foremost experts on how to spot a lie.

How to Spot a Lie?… Understand that lying is hard work

Lying takes heavy cognitive work. There are specific tasks in constructing a lie:

  • Your frontal lobe tells you you do not want to disclose the truth.
  • Your mind endeavors to fabricate a lie on the spot or access the memory of the planned lie prepared for this occasion.
  • You must concentrate and focus on presenting the lie as best you can.
  • You need to gauge the listener’s reaction to see whether they accept it. This process of en-gauge-ment instead of authentic engagement is one of the essential “tells” of a liar.
  • The body is used to being a confirming, congruent “language” to the spoken word. It’s hard enough to construct lies, but flawlessly compelling your body into being perfectly congruent with your lies is virtually impossible. If you are lying, your body language is mannered as you seek to present a coherent stance with what you are saying. A quick, one-sided shrug clearly shows incongruency between body and mind. Incongruency is the hallmark of lying.

As is often the case in social science, what we discover through careful research frequently contradicts popular belief. Geiselman and his team are hard-core lie detectors. The team regularly engages in ongoing applied research, teaching lie-detecting interview techniques to police, military, and intelligence officers. Here are just a few of Dr. Geiselman’s findings:

Myths about spotting a lie

  • “A liar is fast-talking offering glib explanation.” The opposite is the case. As a general rule, liars are laconic. They say little, and generally tend to go dark. Instead of trying to tell an elaborate story, they actually clam up.
  • “They wait until you ask them questions.” A seemingly contradictory indication is that an explanation is often provided before one is requested. Think of this as a sequencing pattern. If a liar is asking, they may tend to be brief, but they may offer an elaborate story to establish a narrative before they are even asked to provide one.
  • “A liar tells elaborate stories.” If you push a liar for specific details, they will struggle to provide specific answers, while an honest response is openly specific.
  • “A liar will avert his eyes (presumably in shame).” Another cultural myth. A liar will tend to stare right at you while lying and continue staring afterward. Research tells us that this is because they are attempting to gauge your reactions to see if you are buying what they are selling. An honest answer will involve looking away, which, oddly enough, is correlated with truthfulness.
  • “When the brain is making something up, the eyes will give them away. the eyes automatically move up and to their right which is your left). The liar is in the process accessing their right hemisphere which is where the visual cortex resides. If they were accessing a true memory of something they actually saw, said, or did, then they would look up and to their left ( which is your right).” Neuro-linguistic programming claims to map the eye movements of how memory is accessed and this analysis is said to provide a valuable set of clues for detecting deception. However, most of the scientific community considers the NLP eye movement model pseudoscience.2, 3
  • “Liars keep their hands still or in their pockets.” Another body language “tell” is that liars tend to gesture toward their bodies, often pointing to themselves or touching their faces. Honest responders tend to point away. Liars also touch or tighten their lips or play with their hair. Or you might see a “gestural retreat” with a step backward and crossed arms. Or they rub their necks. Sometimes, they may wring their hands, self-caressing, soothing themselves through the anxiety of deception. Or a finger pointing one way, while their eyes are pointing another. Body language never lies.
  • “Liars are prepared for every question you ask.” Liars will often act confused and ask you to repeat the question. Unless a lie is prepared beforehand, the prefrontal cortex needs time to construct a suitable fiction to answer the question.
  • “Liars have a steady tone of voice.” Honest answers tend to have the same cadence and pace of speech within any given spoken sentence. Liars, however, change their pace of speaking within the same sentence.

Tell me the story backward!

Geiselman teaches police and intelligence officers how to use neuroscience to add to the already heavy cognitive load of the liar by asking them to tell their story backward.

 Deceptive people are already under a heavy cognitive load because they have to maintain the consistency of their story over time. They also have to monitor the person who is interviewing them to see if they’re buying the story or they have to adjust the story to make it more believable.

R. Edward Geiselman

“The reverse-order technique adds to that heavy cognitive load, increasing the likelihood of the telltale signs of deception.  We use the reverse-order technique near the end of the interview when we think we’ve got about as much information as we will get from their story and our follow-up questions.We’ll say something like, ‘Thank you very much for what you’ve told me. It’s been very helpful, but now I’d like you to try just one more thing to see if you can remember anything further.

I’d like you to start at the very end of the story as you’ve told it and go backward in time, being as detailed as you can.’ Deceptive people have a great deal of trouble doing that. Some truthful people do as well, but deceptive people really have a tough time doing it, and the basic indicators of deception start showing up.”

Lying and the restless lie face

  1. Notice the slight rise of the eyebrows in the center forehead. This is a micro-expression, which is a sign of fear. This elevation of the eyebrows may be detected during the telling of the lie, or while they are holding eye contact with you (as liars tend to do)  just after telling a lie. The reason for fear is obviously the fear of disclosure. This is another reason why a liar will study your face intently.
  2. Look at turned-down lips. This is another involuntary indication of fear, (and perhaps even distress?). The muscles around the lips are very revealing of emotional states and are very difficult to bring under voluntary control.
  3. Notice the hand toward the body, a bad liar will often touch their lips or otherwise obscure their face.

How to spot a lie… Start by not trusting your gut reaction

Geiselman4 warns that it’s a myth that we can have a reliable “gut reaction” to detecting a lie. Your actual ability to detect a lie is not at all related to your “gut” reaction.

This is another popular myth that has been dismissed by research. It’s not that you don’t have a “gut” reaction. You do. But this reaction is far less predictive of your ability to spot a lie than you may believe. On the other hand, Dr. Geiselman warns that if you tend to hyper-focus and over-analyze, you might do worse than just going with your gut reaction.

Practice makes perfect

Narcissists and sociopaths, also known as people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) and Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD), respectively, are often considered to be more skilled at lying and deception compared to the general population. This is due to several characteristics associated with these disorders:

  1. Lack of empathy: Both narcissists and sociopaths have a diminished ability to empathize with others, making it easier for them to lie without feeling guilty or remorseful.
  2. Manipulative nature: These individuals are often highly manipulative and skilled at reading others’ emotions, allowing them to craft convincing lies and adapt their behavior to avoid detection.
  3. Charming and persuasive: Narcissists and sociopaths can be charming and charismatic, which helps them gain trust and appear more credible when lying.
  4. Lack of fear or anxiety: They may not experience the same level of fear or anxiety that most people feel when lying, which can make their deception harder to detect through nonverbal cues.
  5. Practice and experience: Due to their tendency to lie frequently, narcissists and sociopaths may become more skilled at lying over time.

Those with psychopathy may not be “born liars” but are fast learners. They may also have more practice at it. In one study,5 it only took a few practice sessions for study participants to get good at it neurologically. As mentioned, lying requires a series of processes in the brain, including attention, working memory, inhibitory control, and conflict resolution. Those with a high degree of psychopathic traits began to work less hard and reduce their processing time, while those without saw no such improvement.

The stark contrast between individuals with high and low levels of psychopathic traits in lying performance following two training sessions is remarkable, given that there were no significant differences in lying performance between the two groups prior to training.

Dr Tatia Lee

The Paul Ekman Group has developed a list of questions that indicate when it is more challenging and easier to catch a liar. For example, those who only need to conceal, instead of falsify, when the liar is practiced at lying, has a good memory, is a smooth talker with a convincing manner, is inventive and clever in fabricating lies, is a method actor, or if the liar has successfully deceived the target before.

There are also questions about the traits of the lie catcher, such as whether the lie catcher is a “denier” who avoids problems, tends always to think the best of people, or is unusually able to interpret expressive behavior accurately.

Lies and couples therapy

Partners often come to therapy hoping the therapist will determine truth from fiction as they themselves try to figure out if they are being lied to. Chances are good that if your marriage has a steady stream of big and small lies, this one is likely no exception.

Needless to say, competent couples therapists are often confronted with lies and deception. They pursue training in neuro-science and understand how to confront and intervene.

Lies can manifest in marriages in several ways, such as when couples struggle to recover from infidelity. Couples therapists can benefit from micro-expression training and reviewing applied social science research, which can help improve their ability to spot lies.

But to understand how to intervene is another matter altogether. This is where your therapeutic orientation shows up. Truth detection, like couples therapy, is an emerging social science.

A couples therapist needs to determine what sort of lies and deception are involved. Dr. Ellyn Bader, in her Developmental Model of Couples Therapy, describes four main categories of lies that may occur in marriages: Loving Lies, Conflict-Avoiding Lies, Passive-Aggressive Lies, and the Big Fat Felony Lies.

Dr. Bader reminds us that although deception is a barrier to intimacy, everyone rationalizes a need to deceive at one point or another. Dr. Bader also coined the controversial notion of the Liar-Invitee and wrote a book on patterns of marital deception. I will be addressing some of these concepts in an upcoming post.


1. Dr. Geiselman’s study was published in The American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry (Geiselman et al., 2011).

2. Wiseman, R., Watt, C., ten Brinke, L., Porter, S., Couper, S. L., & Rankin, C. (2012). The eyes don’t have it: Lie detection and neuro-linguistic programming. PLoS One, 7(7), e40259.

3. Sharpley, C. F. (1987). Research findings on neurolinguistic programming: Nonsupportive data or an untestable theory?. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 34(1), 103-107.

4. Gunderson, C. A., ten Brinke, L. M., & Sokol-Hessner, P. (2023). When the body knows: Interoceptive accuracy enhances physiological but not explicit differentiation between liars and truth-tellers. Personality and Individual Differences, 204, 112039.

5. Shao, Robin & Lee, Tammy. (2017). Are individuals with higher psychopathic traits better learners at lying? Behavioural and neural evidence. Translational Psychiatry. 7. e1175. 10.1038/tp.2017.147.