Get to know me
A message from Tatiana
I deeply admire the strength and determination it takes couples to face existing problems in their relationship and feel honored to be let into their intimate world to help them build the partnership they have been longing for. My role as a couples therapist is to help partners get through difficult times while nurturing their bond and healing their pain. My goal is to support and guide them as they learn to better communicate and build a partnership that provides them with emotional safety, deeper connection, and intimacy, and helps them achieve a relationship that makes them feel good, both as individuals and as partners.
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Specialties & Expertise
LCPC ILLINOIS: # 180.013719
LPC WISCONSIN: # 8740-125
LMFT License: # 166001669
Where I Practice
Clinical office: Glenview, Illinois
Online intensives and follow up sessions: Illinois and Wisconsin
B.A. in Psychology – University Paris VII | Saint Denis
M.A. in Marriage and Family Therapy – Adler University
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