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Get to know me

A message from Dr. Lutz

I think the couple is the expert on their relationship, so I rely on them to tell me their “story” starting with when they first met through their first meeting with me in my office. Often, I find seeds of disconnection that were planted early while other times a couple has had a seamless beginning. I want to explore how long a couple has been struggling and in what specific areas as this will help me target my interventions with them. I think of myself as a “seasoned and hearty co-explorer” envisioning the couples on an exploration together where all observations are welcomed, validated, and taken seriously. Addressing their issues head-on is often comforting and reassuring to them.

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on the blog


New Jersey: # 5623
New York: # 018021

Where I Practice

Clinical office: Montclair, New Jersey

Online intensives and follow up sessions: AL, AZ, AR, CO, CN, MI, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, ME, MD, MI, MN, MO, NE, NV, NH, NJ, NC, ND, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WV, WI, WY



B.A. in Psychology (Magna Cum Laude) – Bryn Mawr College

M.A. in Psychology – University of Tennessee

National Institute of Health – Research fellowship

Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology – University of Tennessee

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Client Reviews

Feedback from my couples

Sam was an awesome therapist.  The was diplomatic yet direct, and honest.          

We had emotional disenagement, lack of intimacy, and contempt. We had tried weekly 1 hour sessions and got nowhere. We wanted an intensive experience that would provide us with resources and tools to move forward.

Sam was an awesome therapist.   The was diplomatic yet direct, honest, and stern when needed.  She provided great resources and was really connected and engaged with us.  I really appreciated the experience with her.  It was time well spent.

We now have a greater appreciation and understanding of each other, revelation of open wounds, and we now have tools and a plan to rebuild our emotional connection.

What three benefits resulted from working with Couples Therapy Inc.?  

Enlightenment, awareness, clarity, connection

What would you say to couples that are considering working with Couples Therapy Inc.?         

Do it!

Recent Client Reports

We were drawn to the intensive, truncated time from as opposed to weekly, one hour sessions.

How would you describe your relationship before you contacted Couples Therapy Inc.?   

Before we came, we had become increasingly more distant and very transactional. We wanted to improve communication. We had tried marriage counseling years ago, but we were drawn to the intensive, truncated time frame as opposed to weekly, one hour sessions. We were, however, hesitant about how much one weekend would really change our situation.

We very much enjoyed Sam. She was very pleasant and very thoughtful. Helped a lot with conversation starters. I did not agree with everything she said and at times I felt she clearly took sides. But I suppose this feeling is normal with partners who are disagreeing.

Notwithstanding this, I would go back to her without hesitation. Sam is smart, experienced and very easy to talk to.

What changes resulted?

We are talking more and I hope this will lead us to repair the rough spots. We have more open communication, guided listening techniques and clearer insight into others thought process.

Recent Client Reports