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Get to know me

A message from

Dr. McNulty

As a psychoanalytically-informed psychotherapist, I help couples with a variety of issues that center on the challenges that go with the various stages of relationships including marriage prep, adjustment to marriage, parenthood, the empty nest, and retirement. My background helps me meet couples “where they are” and to deeply understand their complexities. My goal is to help partners better manage conflicts, misunderstandings, and arguments between them to form stronger bonds. I help partners dialogue about problems that are having a negative impact on their relationship. I believe that productive dialogues, better compromises, and recovery from fights and misunderstandings are much more possible than most partners tend to realize.

Learn more about my work

on the blog


Illinois: Social Worker # 149000837

Alaska: # 151373

Washington: # LW61088164

Where I Practice

Clinical Office: Evanston, IL and Bellingham, WA

Online intensives and follow up sessions: Illinois, Washington, and Alaska



Master of Social Work – Catholic University of America

Ph.D. in Clinical Social Work/Psychoanalitically Informed Psychotherapy

You’ll be in remarkably good hands with our advanced licensed relationship experts.

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Client Reviews

Feedback from my couples

We have benefitted so much from our experience.

Dr. McNulty was incredible. He had a great way of relating our emotions and struggles with things from our past or our childhoods, which led us to a much deeper understanding of where the other partner was coming from. Also, when we struggled to articulate feelings, he asked permission to “double” as us and would narrate what he thought we were trying to say, then check in with us to see if that was accurate. He was always so spot on in understanding what feelings we were trying to articulate and also in communicating it in a way that our partner would be receptive to.

Recent Client Reports

Dr Mike McNulty is an exceptional therapist.

Dr Mike McNulty is an exceptional therapist. He was kind, extremely insightful and fully tuned into us over the entire weekend. We have new learning about ourselves, new tools and a new resource to use going forward

Recent Client Reports

We feel very positive about our future together!

Thank you for a great weekend! My spouse and I are both very grateful for everything you did for us this weekend. You definitely helped us. We feel very positive about our future together!

Recent Client Reports

He was empathetic, but also kept us on track and held us accountable.

Our relationship before was pretty terrible – minimal interaction, no intimacy and just sort of going thru the motions with a lot of fighting, tension and resentment.We had done 2 traditional hour long sessions about 2 months before our intensive and it wasn’t helpful or successful at all.

Our research led us to Couples Therapy and the process of the initial phone consultation and even a brief meeting with Dr. McNulty before signing up made us feel really comfortable with Couples Therapy Inc. Dr. Mike McNulty was fantastic.  Very engaged, seemed genuinely interested in helping us – he was empathetic but also kept us on task & held us accountable.  He gave us gentle suggestions and hope.

We learned that we avoid conflict and that it has been detrimental to our relationship.  We learned a different way to talk with each other and were able to much better understand what the other person felt/was trying to say thru Mike’s incredible technique of helping to “speak for us.”

We gained a better understanding of the root of some of our challenges, our eyes were opened to a better way of expressing our frustrations and needs, and most importantly, we walked away with more hope than I’ve had in a year that our relationship could be good again and improved.  Thank you!

What would you say to couples that are considering working with Couples Therapy Inc.?

Run, don’t walk – it is an exhausting process but if your marriage is in trouble, yet you still love your partner and want to try and make it better, this is the place to be and if you’re able to see Dr. McNulty, we couldn’t recommend him highly enough.

A sincere thank you for providing hope again to what felt like a hopeless situation.  I don’t know for certain where things will end up for us, but I do know that we’ve been given a second chance to make things good.

Recent Client Reports