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Get to know me

A message from Dr. Chase

I believe therapy is a place of growth where a human connection with your therapist, empathy, and unconditional acceptance are balanced with a challenge. Both are necessary to gain a new perspective, overcome internal barriers, and experience new, healthier, and more fulfilling ways of being. I view our work as an interesting, energizing process that helps you to understand yourself and your partner better, to have a healthier relationship(s), to enhance your ability to cope with stress, and ultimately to become a happier person. Our work will recognize the uniqueness of your circumstances, of your relationship, and of each partner’s personality.

Learn more about my work

on the blog


New York: # 023439

Where I Practice

Clinical office: New York, New York

Online intensives and follow up sessions: New York



B.A. in Economics – Sorbonne University

M.B.A in Business/management – Concordia University/Institut Francais de Gestion

Ed.M in Mental Health Counseling – Teachers College Columbia University

M.A. in Psychological Counseling – Teachers College Columbia University

Ph.D in Clinical Psychology – Fairleigh Dickinson University

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Client Reviews

Feedback from my couples

Dr. Daria Chase was extremely impressive in her ability to extract root issues by listening and observing our communication.

Dr. Daria Chase was extremely impressive in her ability to extract root issues by listening and observing our communication.
We’ve been in crisis. I wanted to build trust, communicate better, and learn how to understand eachother better in order to build a plan together for the future which we can both agree on and be excited about.

We had already been interested in an intensive, and CTI had convenient options which were manageable within our schedules and close to where we live. CTI was recommended to us by a counselor we had reached out to while looking for ongoing couples therapy.

However, it’s expensive, and short, and it feels like a leap of faith to work with a therapist we’ve never met before given the importance this had for us and the cost.

Dr. Daria Chase was extremely impressive in her ability to extract root issues by listening and observing our communication. We might get bogged down in details or examples, and Dr. Chase was fantastic at pausing, helping us understand what each other were ACTUALLY trying to say, and reframing our conversation back to the root issues. Dr. Chase also created a very open, judgement free, focused environment in which to be vulnerable and open.

Personally, I feel less afraid to open up about insecurities and the intentions or fears behind some of my actions. We now have tools to identify when we’re “missing eachother”, step back and ask the right questions to re-align, and then openly express what we’re really feeling, needing and wanting so that we can each try to meet in the middle when we don’t align or appreciate when we’re actually aligned but didn’t realize it.

I’m feeling very grateful and lucky to have been able to work with Dr. Chase. We were each apprehensive about working with a stranger. We were at a point of feeling very STUCK and in need of help, and I was worried about coming out of the weekend feeling like we hadn’t made progress, or feeling like the time and money were wasted, and then actually being further into the hole because “if this didn’t help, is there anything that will?”.

Dr. Chase was balanced throughout the weekend. She spent time on each of our needs; she called each of us out when we started getting into our “cycles” of non-productive communication, and she really helped each of us distill our deeper needs / fears / hopes into words my partner and I could share with each other.

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