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Hopeful Spouse is coaching, not therapy.

The standard meeting time for a hopeful spouse individual session is 55 minutes.

You consent to participate in coaching with the coach and you understand that coaching is a process by which you are working on enhancing relationship and personal life goals through the use of listening, asking questions, clarifying values, developing skills, overcoming obstacles, and working toward a high level of self-care.

A key part of your coaching will be to develop a coaching agenda that will outline appropriate action steps to move toward the achievement of your relationship goals and aspirations. You understand the need to actively participate in the process and be honest about your feelings and actions.

Although there are no guarantees to the outcomes of the coaching, most people do receive benefits from a coaching relationship. You understand that you may discuss the benefits, risks, alternatives, and nature of the coaching to be employed with your coach at any time.

What is the difference between coaching and counseling? 

Coaching is different from counseling. Our counseling services involve an extensive assessment (The BIG BIG Book or The Gottman Check-up) and may include consultation with former therapists. We take the time to help you understand the past as it relates to your current relationship. We help you to understand the underlying psychological issues of the past as well as develop specific couples therapy strategies to work with your current situation.

In coaching, while you might talk briefly about the past to explain the problem, our focus will be to guide you to what you need to do today to make things better.

There is a future focus.

Coaches are more like “cheerleaders” or “teammates” that focus on your inner strengths and resources to help you achieve your personal relationship goals.  We look at what’s not working for you, and suggest alternative paths.

You will ultimately  be deciding how to handle these issues and implementing your choices are exclusively your responsibility but we will offer you suggestions and directions you can try.

Coaching does not treat mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. You understand that coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment, and you will not use it in place of any form of therapy.

You promise that if you currently are in therapy or otherwise under the care of a mental health professional, that you have consulted with this person regarding the advisability of working with a coach and that this person is aware of your decision to proceed with the coaching relationship.

You understand that feelings are a normal and healthy part of being human and that through a coaching relationship, awareness and curiosity will be brought to your feelings so that you can make more informed choices and move into your desired action.

You understand that coaching does not deal with the psychological antecedent to emotions, which is the realm of therapy.

We promise that all information shared by you will be kept strictly confidential, except when releasing such information is required by law.

Throughout our working relationship, we will engage in very direct and personal conversations. You can count on your coach to be honest and straightforward, ask clarifying questions and suggest empowering steps you can try to improve your relationship.

The purpose of these interactions is to hold your focus on YOUR desired outcome in the marriage/relationship and to coach you to stay clear, focused and action oriented.

You understand that the power of the coaching relationship can only be granted by you — and you agree to do just that. If at any point you are not getting the desired outcomes or if coaching is not working as desired, you agree to communicate this to your coach. 

You agree to keep  your agreements regarding our appointment time frames and to keep your coach informed as to what you feel is needed to keep you moving forward. You are aware that you may terminate coaching at any time without consequence, but will still be responsible for payment for the services you have received.


For clients scheduling videoconferencing appointments: Once an 55-minute appointment is scheduled, you will be expected to pay for it, unless you provide 48 hours [2 day] advance notice of cancellation, or, at the clinician’s discretion, we are able to reschedule the appointment during the same calendar week. Please remember to cancel or reschedule 48 hours in advance. You will be responsible for the entire fee if cancellation is less than 48 hours.


If you need to contact your coach between sessions, you can call: 844-926-8753. No coaching is conducted by telephone. The telephone is answered by voicemail. We monitor it frequently. Please respect our weekends, as we are often in Intensives and unavailable. Your coach will return calls and emails during the week, unless it is an emergency.

If you do not hear from us within 24 hours, please email your coach and cc: Jessica at: If you are difficult to reach, please inform us of some times when you will be available. Please also include your telephone number during each call, even if you think we have it.

If a true emergency situation arises, please call 911 or any local emergency room, and ask for the psychologist or psychiatrist on call.


Online videoconferencing coaching is NOT an appropriate form of help under these circumstances.

You understand that information on nationwide crisis intervention and help resources exists in the United States and includes the following:

  • 1-800-SUICIDE
  • 1-800-656-HOPE
  • 1-800-TLC-TEEN


We do not work with minors. You verify that you are of legal age and fully competent to receive coaching without permission of a parent, legal guardian, or other authorized parties.